In 2015 Spare Wheel Productions purchased the Sony FS7 with the 28-135mm lens kit -  plus all the other bells and whistles needed to complete the rig. By far this was the biggest single purchase we had made for a while. And we are glad we did.

The camera has proved itself consistently over the last year. Completed the documentary projects for the North Level District IDB, the Peterborough & Spalding Gliding Club using its smooth high frame rate shooting (HFR - slow motion playback), and two other independent clients - more about this later.

The camera is a beast functionally, but sufficiently nuanced. Even at a total of almost 8Kg on the shoulder it is surprisingly nimble for me a 5ft 6inch going-on-in-years female, but one familiar with ENG shooting techniques. Its biggest advantage is shooting in what Sony call the Cine EI colour-space using the Slog3 curve, which makes those harsh highlights roll gently off in the wake of its wide dynamic range.

Camera shown is equipped with the Sennheiser EW112 G3 radio mic receiver and on-camera Sony mic with Rycote. We take audio seriously too.

© Spare Wheel Productions